5'6" (167 cm)
132 lbs (60 kg)
Fighting styles
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Mixed
Eva's Photos
Eva's Videos
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2019.
The rules: pins counting to 10 and submissions. Eva has 4 points ahead of all other girls.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
3 rounds full contact boxing with nude catfight.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission, each point must be different. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event.
Pins counting to 10 only. One sided match.
Six times throughout the match, 2 vs 1 matches for 30 seconds pins to 10 only, if girls struggle one against one are the rules pins to 5 and submission. Donna and Sonia take turns slapping their hands.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 only. One sided match.
Three girls tournament, each struggling with each.
Two groups tournament blondes against brunettes, each group has own leader. Pins counting to 5 and submission.
Weightlifting competition of 5 girls - Donna, Eva, Mel, Lenora and Edita - with 7 kg dumbbell curls and 40 kg squats, as many repetitions as possible.
Pins counting to 5 only. Balanced fight and result.
The rules: pins counting to 10 and submissions. Eva has 5 points ahead of both girls, Donna and Sonia can fight together five times only 1 minute against Eva, otherwise they struggle 1 vs 1.They exchanged slaps with the hand.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions. Eva has 5 points ahead of both girls, Crystl and Mel can fight together five times only 1 minute against Eva, otherwise they struggle 1 vs 1.They exchanged slaps with the hand.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2019.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
5 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 20 only. One sided match.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
5 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Edita and Isabel fighting against Eva each separately and few times together.
The rules: pins counting to 10 and submissions.
PIns counting to 5 and submission. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event. Balanced fight and result.
Three girls tournament between Ines, Salma and Eva, every girl struggles with each. Pins to submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Three girls tournament between Ines, Salma and Eva, every girl struggles with each. Pins to submission only.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event. One sided match.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Loredana and Donna fighting against Eva each separately and few times together.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Body to body, breast to breast sponsored fight. Semi competitive.
The rules for Waldemar: submission only. The rules for Eva: pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
The rules for Luna: pins counting to 5 only. The rules for Eva: pins counting to 5 and submission.
Andy alternately struggling against Eva, Emanuela and Antonia. Balanced fight and result.
Three girls tournament between Eva, Antonia and Emanuela. Each girl struggles with each in three matches.
Three girls tournament between Eva, Antonia and Emanuela. Each girl struggles with each in three matches. One sided match.
Loredana and Vera fighting against Eva first 3 minutes together, then each separately and exchanged slaps with the hand.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part wrestling match, submission only no hairpulling.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams. Team 1: Eva and Kim-Ly. Team 2: Isabel and Mary-Ann.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams. Team 1: Eva and Kim-Ly. Team 2: Isabel and Mary-Ann.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part wrestling match, submission only no hairpulling.
The rules for Eva: pins to submission only, no scissors. The rules for Lucy: everything is permitted.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Each submission must be different.
Submission only, no bodyscissors. Balanced fight and result.
Blonde vs Brunette, everybodies darling vs a reserved badass - a classic confrontation.
This match takes place in the living room with some story line intro: Luna tells Eva that she is dressed like a whore.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
To the first point pins counting to 3 only than pins counting to 10 and submission.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, each must be different. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, no bodyscissors.
Pins to submission and submission, no scissors.
Submission only. The rules for Eva: submission only, no bodyscissors. The rules for Vera: all permited.
The rules for Eva: pins to submission only. The rules for Beata: pins to 10 and submission.
Pins to submission and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016. Balanced fight and result.
Eva alternately struggling against Emanuela and Edita. One girl is outside the mat and slapping the hand exchanges with other.
Pins to submission only and submission.
Eva alternately struggling against Emanuela and Zamira. One girl is outside the mat and slapping the hand exchanges with other.
Eva and Salma both have many fans who like to see them wrestling, so this pairing is a classic at Fighting Dolls.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only. Balanced fight and result.
Tag team wrestling, pins counting to 10 and submission.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
The rules for Eva: pins to 5 and scissors only. The rules for Kim-Ly: pins to 15 only.
Because this match was undecided, so at the end was permitted pins counting to 3 to achieve a winning submission.
After a long time both girls struggling in catfight.
This is a very intense catfight, none of the girls wants to give up therefore is the duration of this match 30 minutes.
Rules for Edita: pins to 10 and every submission. Rules for Eva: pins to 10 only. One sided match.
Eva's coming from the mat after the match trib and Luna provokes her, then begins a very fast match.
This is a rematch that was published 3 weeks ago FD1429. After the balanced match that time lost Monique. Fighting Dolls October Event 2015.
Pins counting to 5, breast to breast pins.
Laila tries to intimidate Eva and after coming to the film studio she attacked her. This match is very balanced and takes around 40 minutes.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
The first seven minutes of this match is on the carpet in jeans and then on the mat. Between both blonde with big tits is a big rivalry.
Eva alternately struggling against Emanuela and Susie. One girl is outside the mat and slammed the hand exchanges with other.
Miranda makes the first 2 submission on bodyscissors and bodypress and wins 2:0.
This is the rematch match that had both girls before 167 days FD-1246. In this match did nobody any submission.
First 10 minutes wrestling, submission only with facesitting. Next 15 minutes nude catfight with headscissors.
It is seen that Eve has high form. She makes Vladka her favorite chinpull and Vladka makes Eva very hard but sexy facesitting.
Eva alternately struggling against Chiara and Emanuela. One girl is always outside the mat and slammed the hand exchanges with other.
Girl doing posing before the match and test who has the stronger muscles. The match facesitting to submission only is until 18 minutes undecided. Pins to submission and submission, no count.
Before the match invites Eva Kim-ly to the strength test: armwrestling, breastfight and pushing legs. Pins counting to 10 and submission.
Both top FD girls not struggled together for a long time. Among them is a big rivalry, which is seen throughout the match.
In the interview between both rivals is to feel tension and a big rivalry. This match is very variable and aggressive.
Pins and submition match in which you will see long scissors and headlock with Eva's breast Andy's face. Perfect schoolgirlpins presented by Andy and both girls in a fighting stance face to face. At the end armwrestling.
First part: 10 minutes pins counting to 5 only with breast to breast, face to face. Second part: pins counting to 5 and submission with schoolgirlpins, bodyscissors, headscissors and headlock.
Before the match Eva warming up, doing push-ups, bicep posing. Luna admires and tries her muscles, follows the trash talk because Luna is jealous on Eva.
Pins to submission and headscissors only.
Pins to submission only, breast to breast pin.
During the interview, none of girls can say whoever wins the match with rules pins to submission only. Eva wants a first victory against Kim-Ly and she is good prepared for this fight.
Both girls never struggled together and between them feel great tension. The first half of the match is pins to submission only and because neither girls did point, is in the second half allowed bodyscissors.
Next match of two opponents that are in your personal life do not like, both to confirm that in the initial interview.
Eva in Santa Claus costume and Vladka in high heels quarrel with each other begins a furious catfight. Both girls are slapping on the body and sometimes on the face.
Fight starts with measuring the breast and followed breast match, which goes in aggressive catfight. Girls tearing their clothes and slapping each other.
Both girls in sexy outfit want this catfight in front of an audience to win. Hair pulling is almost constantly throughout the fight.
Sexy Eva loves posing and flexing her muscles. As the camera pans around her body, we see it in every angle.
As the ladies rub oil all over each other's bodies, sensually, we see that Katharina is sporting a new hairstyle that fits her tattooed bad-girl look well.
Do our sexy female wrestlers actually have lucky underwear? Top athletes in every sport have theirs. Some baseball players won't play a game without them.
Eva storms onto Chrissie's countryside land, accusing Chrissie of having sex with her man. But Chrissie seems amused at Eva's paranoia, and the two begin pushing and exchanging jabs.
Fighting dolls October Event 2014. This is a very aggressive and quick fight. Carmen is much heavier and stronger than Eva, but she has much more experience.
In this catfight is to see that Eva really strengthens how she says. Eva likes how Emma suffers and makes her breastsmotrs, schoolgirl pin and her pulls strongly for hair.
Eva is much lighter in weight as Claire. Recently, a lot goes to the gym and wants to win over even stronger rivals. In this fight are Pinz counting to 10. Claire is one of the few girls what doing reverse schoolgirl pin.
The round robin between the top 3 FD girls is absolutely perfect example of catfight. You will see how hard a balanced this catfight is. All 3 catfights are 100% real and technically perfect, all three are with slapping.
The round robin between the top 3 FD girls is absolutely perfect example of catfight. The first fight between Eva and Kim-Ly which hates. Eva against Kim-Ly don't win and wanted to avenge Kim-Ly.
Eva is not between girls of FD popular. Some girls as Kim-Ly, Claire and Vladka, hates her. This catfight is handling conflict due to one man.
Andy asks Eva and Donna who is strongest in the Pinz only wrestling. All girls feel confident and have no doubt about their victory. This is a small tournament in which each struggles with each at Pinz only to the surrender.
Andy asks Eva and Donna who is strongest in the Pinz only wrestling. All girls feel confident and have no doubt about their victory. This is a small tournament in which each struggles with each at Pinz only to the surrender.
Both girls have agreed to match on the grass. Edita slaps Eva and provokes her to a catfight. This slapping fight is all the time on the grass. Both rivals wrestling to 100% real.
Eva is in a wedding dress at Female Photographers Zamira. Both girls quarrel follows aggressive and fast slapping nude catfight.
This catfight is probably of two most beautiful girls of Fighting-dolls, black-haired Kim-Ly and blonde Eva. Kim-Ly reached after 3 minutes the first surrender of headscissor with hairpulling.
This is a catfight on forest meadow of grass. Both girls pulled down their tops and and the whole fight wrestling in jeans. The match is quick and aggressive with trash talk and has a clear winner.
Eva gained weight and is an equal rival for Chrissie, over which no one wins it. This catfight is in difficult conditions of high grass. At the beginning is the trash talk face to face.
Both girls have the cheek to cheek say what they think about each. Everyone wants to deal with a rival. Eva told me once, she needs a really strong rival, that it made her aggression.
Salma is a very talented and hard wrestler. She does not want never to give up. Soon after the initial interview, is this catfight very fast and aggressive.
After a short storyline about the Eva's friend, fight starts on the sofas and two busty sexy girls have nothing to donate. Fight continues until the end of the carpet, there are already both nude. Both use long facesitting and schoolgirl. In this sexy fight is also used a lot breasts mother, reverse schoolgirl pin, bodypress, they do not scissors. It's a real sexy intense fight.
VERY GOOD NEWS for fans of experienced pins-and-submissions-wrestling: long years experienced Edita is back on the fighting-dolls-mats!
On a very hot summer-day sports-girls Andy and Eva meet in the garden to find out who is the stronger and better wrestler.
First are long interviews before the match with both very beautiful young women in mini-skirts. Then Eva show that she is the stronger and more muscular and more experienced wrestler.
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
Special non topless Sumo Tournament with Monique, Pia, Eva and Chrissie!
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com. Balanced fight and result.
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com. Balanced fight and result.
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
Head Scissors, Body Press and Body Scissors.
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This movie continues on www.trib-dolls.com...
This is the first match released from our exciting march-2012-fighting-dolls-live-event. Experienced Eva has a big challenge vs strong newcomer Denny...
Before fight you can look behind the scene and see how the girls prepare to the match. Chrissie is a little bit heavier but Eva balances this by her fast...