Pins counting to 5 and submission, no bodyscissors. One sided match.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
The rules for Crystl: pins to 5 and submission. The rules for Monique: pins counting to 5 only.
Pins counting to 10 only. One sided match.
Pins to submission only and submission.
Pins counting to 5 and submission, no bodyscissors. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.
The rules for Jane: pins to 10 only. The rules for Anna-Maria: pins and submission.
Fighting dolls tries a new match design with Vera as a kind of referee. She announces the rules, pins counted to 5 and heads scissors only, to Nicky and Doris, facing each other for the first time.
The rules for Anastasia: pins to submission and submission. The rules for Kim-Ly: pins to submission and submission, each submission must be different.
Deli and Sharon meet in the garden wearing mini skirts and tops. Since Sharon has much more experience and also a height and weight advantage, the rules of the fight restrict her not to use body scissors.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.
Eva alternately struggling against Emanuela and Zamira. One girl is outside the mat and slapping the hand exchanges with other.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
The video starts with Edita, Mel and Anastasia talking about Edita's next opponent, Kim-Ly. The latter arrives and a furious catfight starts immediately.
Topless sisters wrestling. Rules for Anna-Maria: pins counting to 5 only. Rules for Deli: pins counting to 10 only.
Mel and Anastasia can always replace on this match by calling their names and wrestler individually against Andy.