This match is for the sponsor who chose girls with big weight difference. Kim-Ly said in an interview that she has from Petra respect, but not fear.
Peggy slaps Chrissie in the face, but she gets down and makes her schoolgirlpins and headscissors. From 7 minute both girls struggling without jeans only in tangs.
Topless wrestling (20 minutes) and nude pins to submission wrestling in oil (10 minutes).
Pins to submission topless wrestling. Fighting dolls October Event 2014.
This catfight starts on the bed and Emanuela gets Salma into the schoolgirlpin and punches her in the face. Salma out of it and make her headscissors.
After the previous wrestling match, Salma calls Andy to catfight. Without warning, Salma attack Andy with slapping in the face and you can see that she wants to destroy her.
Pamela is a big tits girl and her breasts used to Denny choked and forced to submition. Denny is very combative and reaches several submition on headscissors.
Semicompetitive nude wrestling match.
Submition only topless slapping catfight.
Luna and Salma together has never struggled. Both girls determined by rules, no bodyscissors, pins to submition and submition.
Monique beating Salma in her first catfight in the garden. Therefore, Salma invites her to rematch. Between both girls is great rivalty.
Teresia is a brand new girl and looks very confident. Sharon has at the beginning of this fight to do to defend itself.
Semi competitive topless oil wrestling match.
Competitive topless oil wrestling match, submition and pins to 5.
Semi competitive nude oil wrestling match.