Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Rules for Isabel: pins counting to 5 and submission. Rules for Martin: pins counting to 20 only.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Each submission must be different. One sided match.
Pins counting to 5 only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude apartment boxing.
Euforia and Sonia are exchanged slap his hand against Rene. Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Chinlock and headscissors only. Balanced fight and result.
5 rounds full contact topless boxing.
Pins and submission. Each point must be different.