Michaela and Mila are two tall blondes, one very slim, the other buxom, both with enhanced breasts.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Each submission must be different.
These two had several fights in the past and there was no love lost between them.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Kim-Ly and Salma start topless with a kind of test of upper body strength - on their knees, breasts pressd against each other, trying to push the other down.
Newcomer Tilde so far showed an impressive start, time for her to fight against the stronger ones.
The reviewer does not know the rules, but it seems like Sharon and Jane have a pins only and breast smother submissions match.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
The movie starts with Saxana arriving at the FD studio for her second match.
Another newbie vs experienced girl confrontation. Newcomer Tilde meets Katharina for a naked fight without scissors.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
Anastasia and Donna face each other on the mat. Anastasia is very confident and offers Donna to define the rules for the fight.
Pins counting to 5 and submission, no scissors.