Pins counting to 5 and headscissors only.
Pins to submission and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins and submission, no bodyscissors. Each submission must be different. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Muscle posing.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. One-sided-match.
Since Alice debuted at Figting Dolls, she gained a lot of fans. This time she faces Anastasia, a long time FD fighter.
Crystl returns to FD after a longer absence. She put on a bit of weight and fights strong Beata in a topless macth on the mat.
Anna-Marie is interviewed about Denny, her opponent. She says she is impressed about her muscles, but is confident to win.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Although relatively new, Vera already has a reputation as a strong fighter. Tereza challenges her to a fight and is looking forward to win, since Vera has a hand injury.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, no bodyscissors.
In the first part fighting the girls in catfight, submission only and second part in facesitpins and headscissors only.
If a young newbie like Kamelia fights a mature woman like Beata, you could expect a special rivalry.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.