Miranda is between FD girls favorite, because she is at all aggressive. This match is very fast and balanced. Donna is very manoeuvrable and she knows all techniques of wrestling.
Before the match Eva warming up, doing push-ups, bicep posing. Luna admires and tries her muscles, follows the trash talk because Luna is jealous on Eva.
Girls after another squirting oil, follow the match pins to 10 with slapping only, this match is very erotic, with trash talk.
This is a tag team fight between Mel and Linda against Monique and Salma. Girls fighting each with each of the both teams.
At the beginning of the match it can be seen that both opponents have the respect of themselves.
Very aggressive match between two veterans. At the end, by victory pose, you will see under the eye of the winner injury and the evidence as it was a hard fight.
Pins to 5 only, no scissors, breast to breast.
Pins to submission and headscissors only.
Loredana says in interview that her first match was with her sister. She also says that in this match against very experienced Crystl would be very difficult.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2015.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, no bodyscissors.
Submission, full nelson only. Winner sits 2 minutes on loser.
Pins to submission only and submission.
Pins to submission only and headscissors.
Pins to 5 and submission. The rules of this match are that it not may repeat the same submission.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2015.
Nude semicompetitive wrestling, pins to 10 only.
Pins to submission and submission. First part Laila vs. Crystl, second part Laila vs. Salma.
Pins to submission and submission.