5'1" (156 cm)
117 lbs (53 kg)
Fighting styles
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Trib, Erotic
Dara's Photos
Dara's Videos
Pins counting to 10 only with long domination. One sided match.
Four girls tournament, each fighting with each. Pins and submission.
Four girls tournament, each fighting with each. Pins and submission.
2 matches and long domination. Pins to submission only.
Sabrina vs. Dara, Anna-Maria vs. Dara. Pins counting to 10 and submission with long domination of the loser girl.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Second part of match is the domination with help of Reana and Lena.
Pins counting to 5 and submission, each point must be different.
Three girls topless wrestling tournament wiht domination of the winner. Pins and submission.
Three girls topless wrestling tournament wiht domination of the winner.
Three girls topless wrestling tournament wiht domination of the winner.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, no scissors.
Three girls topless wrestling tournament wiht domination of the winner.
Pins counting to 10 only. One sided match.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams.
Three girls tournament between Reana, Dara and Doly, every girl struggles with each. One sided match.
Three girls tournament between Reana, Dara and Doly, every girl struggles with each. One sided match.
Pins counting to 10 only. One sided match.