5'8" (173 cm)
132 lbs (60 kg)
Fighting styles
Wrestling, Catfight, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Topless, Mixed
Edita's Photos
Edita's Videos
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Old vs young.
Pins counting to 10 only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result. Old vs Young.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result. Second part on www.trib-dolls.com.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result. Old vs. young.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result. Old vs. young.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2023.
Grapevines to submission only. Old vs. young. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. One sided match. Old vs. young.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result. Old vs. young.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result. Old vs. young.
Pins to submission only. Old vs. young.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. One sided match.
Pins counting to 20 only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. The rules for Edita: Edita has 5 points ahead, pins counting to 5 and submission. The rules for Martin: pins counting to 15, no bodyscissors, all submissions.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. One sided match.
Pins counting to 20 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Catfight and 1 round full contact nude boxing. Submission only.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
The rules for Edita: Every hold is possible. The rules for Martin: only headscissors. Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude boxing with catfight ending. Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 20 and submission. One sided match.
Real bearhug standing only match. The rematch. One sided match.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Real bearhug standing only match. One sided match.
The rules for Edita: Pins counting to 20 and submission. The rules for Martin: Pins counting to 20 only.
One girl always stands on the edge of matt and slapping the hand exchanges with other. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude boxing with slapping catfight ending. Balanced fight and result.
Chinlock and headscissors only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact topless boxing with T.K.O. ending.
4 rounds full contact topless boxing.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 20 only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude boxing and catfight.
The winner of armwrestling determines the rules after each point.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event. One sided match.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2019.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
5 rounds full contact topless boxing.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Beata has five points ahead for the whole match will Edita get this advantage? Submission only.
6 rounds full contact topless boxing with interview.
5 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls October 2017 Event.
Salma alternately struggling against Edita and Donna. One girl is outside the mat and slapping the hand exchanges with other. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
The rules: pins counting to 5 and submissions.
5 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event.
5 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
7 rounds full contact topless boxing.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Edita alternately struggling against Vera and Lucy. One girl always stands on the edge of matt and slapping the hand exchanges with other.
7 rounds full contact topless boxing with interview.
7 rounds full contact boxing with interview. You can vote for your winner.
Pins to submission and submission. Balanced fight and result.
This is the tournament of three heavier girls with 3 matches. Each girl fights with each in catfight style. Submission only.
This is the tournament of three heavier girls with 3 matches. Each girl fights with each in catfight style. Submission only.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2017.
The rules for Edita: pins counting to 20 and submission. The rules for Martin: pins to submission only.
Pins to submission and submission.
Tournament between two teams of boys and girls. Every girl wrestles with a boy. Match no. 4.
Tournament between two teams of boys and girls. Every girl wrestles with a boy. Match no. 2. One sided match.
Submission only. Each submission must be different.
Pins to submission and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
The video starts with Edita, Mel and Anastasia talking about Edita's next opponent, Kim-Ly. The latter arrives and a furious catfight starts immediately.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016. Balanced fight and result.
Edita and Salma face each other naked on a mat in the sunny garden. They start with a test of strenght, scissoring their thighs, then the wrestling begins.
15 minutes pins to submission only, 10 minutes pins and submission.
Petra struggling alternately against Edita, Salma and Isabel.
Kim-Ly not make the same submission, each point must be different.
Rules for Edita: pins to 10 and every submission. Rules for Eva: pins to 10 only. One sided match.
Luna is heavier and therefore both girls agreed that Edita will to do all the wrestling grips but Luna without bodyscissors.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2015.
Semicompetitive nude oil wrestling with bodyslapping, no scissors.
This carfight begins with a hard face slapping. After the first submission winner will not let the loser and continue holds her in headscissors.
This match is balance until the end, and you will see a total of 5 submission.The decisive point is in the last minute.
Three girls tournament between Vladka, Andy and Edita. Each girl struggling with each.The rules are pins to 5 and submission only, no scissors.
Three girls tournament between Vladka, Andy and Edita. Each girl struggling with each.The rules are pins to 5 and submission only, no scissors.
After a short but real boxing begins very aggressive slapping catfight. Previous match of both opponents ended of an argument and one of the girls cried.
Very aggressive match between two veterans. At the end, by victory pose, you will see under the eye of the winner injury and the evidence as it was a hard fight.
This is a battle of two teams between Kim-ly and Edita vs Andy and Vladka, very emotional and hard matches, all 4 slapping catfights with chinlock, headscissors, breastsmothers, grapevine, trash talk. Balanced fight and result.
This is a battle of two teams between Kim-ly and Edita vs Andy and Vladka, very emotional and hard matches, all 4 slapping catfights with chinlock, headscissors, breastsmothers, grapevine, trash talk.
Semi competitive catfight. Balanced fight and result.
The second part is in the bedroom and the defeated girl from a previous match, wants to rivals retaliate defeat.
In the first part of this double match you will see a very quick and variable fight with rules submission only. Both girls are trying to reach submission especially on facesitting, grapvine and breastsmothers.
Edita has a very hard onset, she knows that Kim-Ly is very strong. She gets her in the scissors and it looks she surrenders. One sided match.
Pins to submission topless wrestling. Fighting dolls October Event 2014.
Submition only topless slapping catfight.
Edita and Zamira has never struggled together. Edita, although she is already 40 years old, does not want to ever lose.
Edita has dominance from the start, but Kim-Ly does not want to lose, when she is under pressure, will be aggressive, that you can see in this fast and aggressive wrestling.
There's something about topless women in jeans, like they've been laboring hard all day in the sun, and they certainly have the tans to prove it.
Before the match begins, both ladies engage in a stare-down where their eyes say it all. Sharon is anxious to fight and prove her worth.
Edita is the most experienced of FD girls and never wants to lose. Edita starts to fight very hard and Donna gets angry. You will see how Donna will escalate her aggression, it is 100% reality.
The fight starts standing quarrel with the real slapping. Then both girls are still on the grass and sometimes is this match on standing. Slapping them in the face and match the aggression escalates.
The round robin between the top 3 FD girls is absolutely perfect example of catfight. You will see how hard a balanced this catfight is. All 3 catfights are 100% real and technically perfect, all three are with slapping.
The round robin between the top 3 FD girls is absolutely perfect example of catfight. You will see how hard a balanced this catfight is. All 3 catfights are 100% real and technically perfect, all three are with slapping.
Both girls have agreed to match on the grass. Edita slaps Eva and provokes her to a catfight. This slapping fight is all the time on the grass. Both rivals wrestling to 100% real.
This is a classic wrestling match between an experienced forty years old Edita and fifteen years younger Claire. Claire is much heavier, but Edita is its equivalent rival.
Topless Catfight Tournament in garden with three girls - Edita, Claire and Salma. In the interview before tournament they want to defeat each other.
Topless Catfight Tournament in garden with three girls - Edita, Claire and Salma. In the interview before tournament they want to defeat each other.
Kim-Ly, Andy, Edita compete each with each, this time in wrestling tournament. Submission must always vary and pins are counted to five but it does not like Kim-Ly.
Kim-Ly, Andy, Edita compete each with each, this time in wrestling tournament. Submission must always vary and pins are counted to five but it does not like Kim-Ly.
Edita, Kim-Ly, Andy, each of them answers the question of who is stronger in the match.Edita says Kim-Ly is stronger than Andy and her provokes and invites Kim-ly to a duel with hairpulling and slapping.
Edita, Kim-Ly, Andy, each of them answers the question of who is stronger in the match.Edita says Kim-Ly is stronger than Andy and her provokes and invites Kim-ly to a duel with hairpulling and slapping.
Fighting dolls Spring Event 2014. One sided match.
A very impressive "catfight of the generations" topless in the fighting-dolls-studio - between comeback-wrestler Edita (39 years) vs Kim-Ly (22 years).
VERY GOOD NEWS for fans of experienced pins-and-submissions-wrestling: long years experienced Edita is back on the fighting-dolls-mats!