Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
5'7" (170 cm)
139 lbs (63 kg)
Fighting styles
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Mixed
Loredana's Photos
Loredana's Videos
Pins counting to 10 and submission.
Submission only. Second part on
Submission only. Second part on One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Topless shower catfight. Submission only.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins to submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. The rules for Loredana: all holds are allowed. The rules for Martin: pins to submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
Pins and submission. Each point must be different. Balanced fight and result.
Pins only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2019. One sided match.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2019.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
3 rounds full contact topless boxing with catfight ending. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
4 rounds full contact nude boxing with special ending.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 5 only. One sided match.
Anastasia fights against Donna and Loredana, both girls stand on the edge of the circle they will take turns to call their names. Both are trying to defeat Anastasia, which is heavier.
Pins to submission only. One sided match.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. One sided match.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. One sided match.
3 rounds full contact boxing with nude catfight.
Submission only by chinpulls. One sided match.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Kim-Ly alternately struggling against Mary-Ann and Loredana. One girl always stands on the edge of matt and slapping the hand exchanges with other.
Pins and submission. Fighting Dolls Summer 2019 Event.
Body to body, face to face, submission only.
Pins counting to 20 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins and submission. One sided match. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event.
Nude apartment catfight with trib ending. Submission only.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive
Pins counting to 5 and submission. The rules: each point must be different. Balanced fight and result.
Pins only. Fighting Dolls October 2017 Event. One sided match.
Pins counting to 5 only. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. Each submission must be different.
Submission only. Fighting Dolls Spring 2018 Event. One sided match.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive. One sided match.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. One sided match.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Loredana and Donna fighting against Eva each separately and few times together.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams.
Tournament with four matches between the two teams.
Submission only. One sided match.
Pins to submission and submission. One sided match.
Pins to submission and submission. Balanced fight and result. Fighting Dolls October 2017 Event.
Pins counting to 10 and submission.
Pins to submission and submission. One sided match.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Submission only. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission. One sided match.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
The rules for Loredana: pins to 5 and submission. The rules for Silvia: pins to 10 and submission.
Pins to submission and submission. Balanced fight and result.
Pins counting to 10 and submission.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Third match. Tournament with four matches between the two teams. Team 1: Loredana and Donna. Team 2: Chiara and Mel. Pins counting to 10 and submission. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2017.
Second match. Tournament with four matches between the two teams. Team 1: Loredana and Donna. Team 2: Chiara and Mel. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2017.
Another in a series for the catfight sponsor. Financial bonus from the sponsor makes this match very aggressive.
Loredana and Vera fighting against Eva first 3 minutes together, then each separately and exchanged slaps with the hand.
This is a clash of different types: Loredana vs Michaela, brunette vs blonde, trained, slim, muscular vs buxom, curvy girl.
Pins to submission and submission, no scissors.
Tough times for Loredana who has to face cocky Vera immediately after an exhausting oil fight with Anastasia. Part no. 2.
Loredana and Anastasia face each other for a topless oil match. Part no. 1.
Blonde vs Brunette, everybodies darling vs a reserved badass - a classic confrontation.
Pins to submission only, no scissors. Fighting Dolls October Event 2016.
Pins counting to 10 and submission, no bodyscissors.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Loredana and Beata have a topless oil match. During the oiling, they argue about the upcoming fight and a previous one.
Pins to submission and submission, no bodyscissors.
Beata and Loredana meet topless in the FD garden to have a fight. Although they did not have a macth so far, their dislike is obvious right from the start.
Pins to submission only and submission.
Pins counting to 5 and submission, no bodyscissors. Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.
Oil often results in very soft and erotic matches, but the facial expression of Loredana and Doris whilst oiling tells another story.
Since Eli appeard at Fighting Dolls, she polarises oppinions, same fans love her, some hate her.
Kira is much smaller and lighter than Loredana, but she is very agressive.
Loredana and Deli both are very confident, cocky girls, the type of girl provoking their opponents in a fight.
Pins counting to 5 and submission. Fighting Dolls October Event 2015.
Pins counting to 5 and submission, each point must be different.
10 minutes wrestling, 10 minutes catfight.
Mila is a talented newcomer and you can see that she enjoys wrestling. Loredana is also a newcomer, but she has a few more matches.
Loredana says in interview that her first match was with her sister. She also says that in this match against very experienced Crystl would be very difficult.