Anna-Maria vs. Vera Preview video is available only for logged members.

Anna-Maria | 30

Height: 5'1" (156 cm)
Weight: 104 lbs (47 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Trib, Erotic, Topless

Anna-Maria's Videos
Anna-Maria cz CZ

Vera | 29

Height: 5'1" (156 cm)
Weight: 117 lbs (53 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Vera's Videos
Vera cz CZ

Rating: 4,5/5 (11 votes)

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Movie Description

A match of two small girls from the recent live event. Anna-Maria and Vera, two girls in the early twenties about the same size with a slight weight advantage for Anna-Maria start topless in mini skirts. Right from the beginning, this is a fast match with no love lost. One girl relies on her strong legs using body scissors, whilst her opponent uses a wide variety of holds, including head and body scissors, breast smothers, chinpulls and school girl pins. After the first submission, the skirts come off and they continue in tiny G-Strings. This is a one sided match with one girl scoring all the points. You will see a lot of submissions.

As the winner starts to celebrate herself in front of the audience, the some bad tempers arise but this never gets out of hands. The match ends with an armwrestling. An impressive win and a winner who really knows how to play with the camera.

Fighting Dolls Spring Event 2016.

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Duration: 20:55
Size: 1,69 GB

22 EUR

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Duration: 20:55
Size: 1,23 GB

17 EUR

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Anna-Maria vs. Vera
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Anna-Maria vs. Vera
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Anna-Maria vs. Vera Comments | 4

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2016-06-15 22:38:17
Ein Match das mich auf Anhieb begeistert hat! 2 super hübsche Mädels und die klassische Paarung Blond gegen Dunkelhaarig. Auch gut, das die Röcke frühzeitig "gefallen" sind.
Obwohl das Ergebnis einseitig ist, finde ich den Kampf sehr gut, da die Siegerin eine große Auswahl an Aktionen zeigt. Fast jeder Punkt wird mit einen anderen Griff erzielt.
Sehr gerne möchte ich mehr von der Siegerin in Zukunft sehen, ihr scheint eine große Karriere bei FD möglich. Auch die Verliererin hat meinen Respekt, den sie wehrt sich tapfer und läuft nicht weinend von der Matte. Ich hoffe, auch sie hält FD die Treue.

2016-06-05 14:35:03
As flopiano says, one woman dominates this match to a surprising degree given their previous win-loss record I don't usually like one-sided matches as much but I rated the last match between Vera and Anna-Maria pretty highly and I was keen to watch the rematch.

What is intriguing is that one woman seems to have improved a lot in her wrestling skills since the last time they fought while the other has stood still, or perhaps just had an off-day. Was the tension of the live event too much for her?

I'm looking forward to watching both of these spirited fighters in action again soon. The upcoming outdoor match between Vera and Deli should be worth a view.
It would also be interesting to see a tag match with sisters Deli and Anna-Maria on one side and, say, Vera and Kira on the other. How about it Fighting Dolls?

2016-06-02 15:45:47
Amazing on-sided domination. One girls stays at 0, the other one scores one submission after the other. Great scissors, smothers, back breaking chin pulls, a wonderful show in front of the audience. One poor lady can't do anything but tap the mat over and over and suffer the humiliation of her life. After a while she starts taking the beating giving up very quickly, totally spent. Those are great matches to be seen in live events and well done for allowing chinpull submissions finally! ;-)

2016-06-01 19:01:57
Vera zeigt uns in diesem Kampf das die geile Show die sie in anderen Kämpfen abgeliefert hat eine ganze Menge mit Können zu tun hat. Wenn sich Vera extrovertiert und provokant gibt, muss sie das nicht spielen, sie kann es sich schlichtweg leisten so zu sein und genau deshalb ist es bei ihr so gut. Es macht wirklich Spaß dieser attraktiven und selbstbewussten Frau zuzusehen.

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