Claire vs. Chrissie Preview video is available only for logged members.

Claire | 31

Height: 5'9"(178 cm)
Weight: 145 lbs (66 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless

Claire's Videos
Claire cz CZ

Chrissie | 34

Height: 5'5" (164 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude, Erotic

Chrissie's Videos
Chrissie cz CZ

Rating: 5/5 (2 votes)

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Movie Description

Before the match self-confident newcomer Claire said: „I promise that i will beat my opponent!“. Of course very ambitious Chrissie does not agree about and so it was a fantastic and absolutely even sports-wrestling-match between 2 of the greatest wrestling-talents of the Brno-wrestling-team from the last years and both are one a high level after only a few matches. Also Claire and Chrissie are both very flexible. Especially fans of hard and perfect bodyscissors will enjoy this movie very much! There are hard and crushing bodyscissors in this movie and also headlock-pin, schoolgirl-pin, fullbodypress-pin, reverse bodyscissors, headlocks and grapevine-pin. A very exciting and even pin-and-submission wrestling-match with 2 great wrestling-talents! After the match is an arm-wrestling-contest with both arms.

Vor diesem sportlichen Kampf sagt newcomer Claire frech in die Kamera: „Ich verspreche, das ich meine Gegnerin besiegen werde!“ Natürlich hat die ehrgeizige Chrissie etwas dagegen – und es entwickelt sich sofort ein sehenswerter und ausgeglichener fight, von dem besonders die Fans von harten bodyscissors begeistert sein werden! Mit Claire und Chrissie stehen sich in diesem fight 2 der grössten Brno-wrestling-Talente der letzten Jahre gegenüber, die schon nach wenigen Kämpfen ein erstaunlich hohes Niveau erreicht haben. Dazu sind beide noch sehr beweglich und haben einen grossen Siegeswillen. Ausser den gekonnten und knallharten bodyscissors gibt es in diesem movie noch headlock-pin, schoolgirl-pin, fullbodypress-pin, reverse bodyscissors, headlocks und grapevine-pin zu sehen. Ein spannender, ausgeglichener, sportlicher fight zweier grosser wrestling-Talente! Beendet wird dieser movie mit einem Arm-Wrestling-Vergleich.

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Duration: 19:44
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Duration: 19:44
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Duration: 19:44
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Duration: 19:44
Size: 0,21 GB

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Duration: 19:44
Size: 0,13 GB

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Claire vs. Chrissie Comments | 1

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2013-08-20 08:47:37
Lots of Scissors

Claire and Chrissie fought an good wrestling match. It was interesting to watch. Unfortunately, neither girl had the strength of will to withstand the others body-scissors.

That is a crucial part of being a great wrestler. You've gotta be able to take the pain and not submit. It's not easy, but both girls failed in this respect.

Submissions: 5 body-scissors