Ganet vs. Tess Preview video is available only for logged members.

Ganet | 24

Height: 5'6" (166 cm)
Weight: 115 lbs (52 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Mixed, Topless

Ganet's Videos
Ganet cz CZ

Tess | 24

Height: 5'4" (163 cm)
Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless

Tess's Videos
Tess cz CZ

Rating: 4,8/5 (23 votes)

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Movie Description

Submission only. Balanced fight and result.

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Duration: 22:12
Size: 1,44 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 22:12
Size: 1,29 GB

12 EUR

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Ganet vs. Tess
Ganet vs. Tess
Ganet vs. Tess
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Ganet vs. Tess Comments | 12

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2024-07-21 12:43:56
After the fight, during an interview Tess is presented as promising fighter. And she makes the impression that she is happily looking forward to many more fights. She wanted to be the best she said. Yet she never returned. What happened? Pity that Fd has no page where they give news and information about the girls.

2024-07-21 12:14:28
**** = b e a t

2024-07-21 10:49:02
Very good and entertaining fight. However I do not understand why this fight for some commenters has become a classic among those hundreds of other catfights. It seems that some people were excited about the way Ganet was more and more frustrated and humiliated during the fight, because she did not expect that her unexperienced friend would **** her. Well I think she knew beforehand that Tess was good, since she as a newcomer **** Kemala. She got indeed a bit angry and pissed off, but that had purely to do with the extreme hard hairpulling by Tess. That was what they talked about afterwards and nothing else. Her defeat itself she took without much problem. She cooperated when she was asked to lie down for Tess’ victory pose. Which was therefore a bit tame. N

2021-05-25 11:13:39
really good fight i think that tess will go a long way. but could struggle if an oppenent can be more effective against her hairpulling.

2021-04-01 03:14:22
HOTNESS LEVEL OVERLOAD! You must get this for your collection.

2021-02-05 16:24:56
i felt bad for Ganet. she could not stop tess from pulling her hair out. If there is a rematch tess will know what to do to hurt ganet again. Ganet is smokin hot.

2021-02-05 07:14:06
Good fight with hard hair pulling!
Ganet is sexy as usual)
Tess also looks cool.

2021-02-04 15:57:21
Excellent newcomer Tess, She will be one of the best, Im sure.

2021-02-03 01:51:52
A new rivalry is born! It was Ganet who introduced Tess to FD, so one imagines they are not bitter rivals off of the mat, but Ganet must have been left wishing she was a little more circumspect about who she hands an invitation to by the end of this nasty hair pulling fest. Tess admits she is nervous beforehand (it's only her fourth match and probably her stiffest test yet) and the two make a great contrast, the bronzed skin and prettiness of Ganet against the pale but sexier Tess. When they first lock up it looks like it could be an easy afternoon for Ganet, she looks much stronger and Tess doesn't seem to have learnt much in the way of wrestling moves. You're going to need more than a willingness to pull hair, Tess, I thought to myself. But Tess never lets go to the point where Ganet gets frustrated and a bit emotional. Tess is aided by Ganet's fairness in giving her rest breaks between submissions (Tess looks on the verge of exhaustion for most of the fight) but then the whole fight turns on a rather incredible (and genuine) submission from a losing position. That seems to break the resistance of one of the women and for the next eight or nine minutes the winner seems to play with the loser a bit (there's a lot more hairpulling) which is incredible having been a very even contest up until that point. The sheepish loser tries to walk away at the end without receiving her punishment but is told to "lie down for me, I want to sit on your face". Winner and loser are then interviewed in this position while maintaining eye contact in this position almost throughout the winner's time on top. It's very sensual.

2021-02-02 21:58:23
Ein spannender Kampf zwischen zwei starken Frauen, die in Größe, Gewicht und Alter nicht weit voneinander entfernt liegen. Die blasse schwarzhaarige Tess hat Karate-Erfahrung, die ihr aber bei diesem Catfight nicht unbedingt all zu viel nutzt. Die rothaarige Ganet dagegen hat einiges mehr an Catfights hinter sich. Es verspricht also ein spannender Kampf zu werden. Wie immer ist Ganet sehr bitchy und sieht auch an den Armen kräftiger aus, als die eher drahtige Tess. Beide ziehen sich ****** an den Haaren und Ganet hält dabei Tess permanent in der Beinschere, doch Tess gibt nicht auf. Die beiden reißen sich sämtliche Klamotten vom Leib und kämpfen sehr ******. Den ersten Punkt macht Tess, indem sie Ganet so ****** an den Haaren zieht, bis diese aufgibt. So einen Punkt habe ich bisher noch nie gesehen, der nur durch Haare ziehen erreicht wurde. Beide kämpfen nun völlig nackt und das Haare ziehen geht immer brutaler weiter. Nun gelingt Ganet der Ausgleich. Ebenfalls mit Haare ziehen in Kombination mit einer Beinschere um den Oberkörper von Tess. Den nächsten Punkt macht Tess wieder mit Haare ziehen, obwohl Ganet sie in der Beinschere hat, punktet Tess. Sie hat sehr schnell gelernt, wie man ****** an den Haaren zieht in einem Catfight. ****** macht Tess auch ihren nächsten Punkt, mit einem Schoolgirl-Pin in Verbindung mit Haare ziehen. Nun wird Ganet immer wütender. Mit einem Breastsmother gelingt Ganet nun der Anschlusspunkt. Wer gewinnt wohl am Ende diesen harten Catfight?

2021-02-02 17:20:50
Interesting fight -- LOTS of hair pulling. Good fight with a very sexy ending with the victor breathing heavily. Recommended. Would like to see more of Tess.

2021-02-02 08:54:04
As preview shows a great fight! not a lot of tecnique but a lot of furyness and action..Ganet is sexy as usually and Tess confirm her quality and attitude to fight and her pain stamina. 5 stars.

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