Iskia vs. Nila Preview video is available only for logged members.

Iskia | 31

Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 137 lbs (62 kg)
Wrestling, Topless, Mixed

Iskia's Videos
Iskia cz CZ

Nila | 23

Height: 5'9" (176 cm)
Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Nila's Videos
Nila cz CZ

Rating: 4,2/5 (6 votes)

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Pins and submission.

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Duration: 28:56
Size: 3,29 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 28:56
Size: 1,28 GB

12 EUR

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Iskia vs. Nila
Iskia vs. Nila
Iskia vs. Nila
Iskia vs. Nila
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Iskia vs. Nila Comments | 5

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2025-02-09 22:46:47
Both girls looked amazing, but interviews before the match then again after every fall and more at the end... it all just became tiresome after a while. I spent a lot of time fast forwarding to get back to the action, which was good when you got to it. I see that others really enjoyed it but this one just wasn't to my taste.

2025-02-06 21:54:58
Great to see Iskia back in all her seductive glory. She rematches with tall, pale Nila , contrasting well with Iskia's tanned curves. As Iskia notes, Nila has improved , and as ever gives it her best shot. I admire wrestlers like Nila who keep trying despite frequently losing. Both look great in their sexy costumes. It is Iskia's strength and durability versus Nila's energy and ambition. Looking forward to seeing Iskia against some different opponents, making different types of fights.

MuMusta G
2025-02-06 16:50:35
Iskia is out here fighting and commentating the fight at the same time =) Very discouraging for the opponent... welcome to the Iskia show again
Fun fact: Last time Iskia gave up a submission, Michael Jackson was still alive

2025-02-06 14:01:47
Greetings to all FD fans . Iskia in today's match again demonstrates its superiority both physically and verbally over the weaker opponent. As Siggi writes her style is not a classic girl vs girl fight but more like cat and mouse ! In that respect, her style of play is really specific to FD. It's up to you what kind of match you're in the mood for. Our offer and content of the site is great. Enjoy this movie ……. Edita

2025-02-06 13:25:34
Das ist wieder der Stil mit dem sich Iskia bei FD vorgestellt hatte. Vieles an ihrem Stil ist nicht darauf ausgelegt schnell Punkte zu machen, sie schränkt vielmehr Schritt um Schritt die Bewegungsfreiheit ihrer Gegnerin immer weiter ein, ohne das man erkennen kann worauf sie eigentlich hinaus will, bis sie ihre Gegnerin plötzlich im Griff hat. Genau das erzeugt Spannung. Man konnte auch deutlich sehen das Nila von ihr genervt war, weil sie praktisch nie dazu kam sich frei zu bewegen. Von Iskia will ich nicht wirklich die Punkte sehen, sondern dieses clevere taktieren mit dem sie ihre Konkurrentin immer weiter in die Enge treibt. Das macht ihren Kampfstil momentan zu etwas exklusiven im FD Team.

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