Kornelia vs. Pablo Preview video is available only for logged members.

Kornelia | 37

Height: 5'9"(178 cm)
Weight: 149 lbs (68 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Trib, Erotic, Topless

Kornelia's Videos
Kornelia cz CZ

Pablo | 20

Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
Wrestling, Mixed

Pablo's Videos
Pablo cz CZ

Rating: 5/5 (11 votes)

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Movie Description

Pins and submission. One sided match.

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Duration: 25:39
Size: 2,92 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 25:39
Size: 1,13 GB

12 EUR

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Kornelia vs. Pablo
Kornelia vs. Pablo
Kornelia vs. Pablo
Kornelia vs. Pablo
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Kornelia vs. Pablo Comments | 6

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2024-04-09 00:09:31
Kornelia is great, extrovert but a bit arrogant and thus i would like to see a guy finally win against her! :) a bit strange that Bablos points are not really counted. But its a nice match.

2024-04-07 18:28:03
It was a tough tough fight...!
Pablo is one of the most experienced mixed wrestlers of FD and Kornelia is kind of new here but she is a super dominant & confident wrestler.
Both sides made a lot of efforts to win the match but there is a clear winner here..!
Highly recommended for all mixed fans.. Hope we see Kornelia into more mixed matches
Finally I think Kornelia vs. Hans would be an great matchup..!!!

2024-04-07 18:22:20
Kornelia is such a joy to watch in Mixed. Love how she displays her dominance throughout the match. Huge fan of hers! Would love to see her against Hans

2024-04-07 02:13:58
Camara fotografica
El pobre Pablo recibe una buena paliza y una humilacion muy grande por parte de Kornelia. La mujer domina. de forma muy clara y unilateral, el combate. Y bien que disfruta y se divierte superando y humillando al macho de turno. Pablo ya esta derrotado y destruido a la mitad de la pelea. Discurso muy feminista de la chica victoriosa sobre el impotente macho derrotado, al final. Bravo!
Poor Pablo receives a good beating and great humiliation from Kornelia. The woman dominates. in a very clear and unilateral way, the combat. And she enjoys and has fun surpassing and humiliating the male on duty. Pablo is already defeated and destroyed in the middle of the fight. Very feminist speech by the victorious girl over the helpless defeated male, at the end. Bravo!

2024-04-06 19:11:38
Nobody counts the pins in this match and under these circumstances, Pablo cannot score and cannot win. He only know how to pin or to bodypress the girls and never learned how to submit them. He struggles like crazy against this taller, older, heavier woman and manages to pin her many times but she would not submit and in return, when Pablo struggles under her or ********** ********* and scissored, he submits in agony. However, once again the female is permitted to continue in the dominant position after the male submits, so she scores easily four times in a row against poor Pablo, who is forced to take facesit pins, headlocks, scissors, without being allowed to stand after each point. This beautiful and arrogant woman has her way with highly motivated but nervous and furious Pablo, who does not accept ithe ntimate facesit forced on him by the blonde and constantly tries to escape her victory poses. The armwrestling between those two is endless and passionate, overall a real and intimate confrontation between the sexes in which the woman won despite the furious efforts of the man.

2024-04-06 11:54:20
Zu Mixed Fights passt Kornelias Stil hervorragend. Sie grinst wenn sie Pablo voll im Griff hat und bei ihren SGP's hat man tatsächlich den Eindruck es bereitet ihr echte Freude ihn hilflos unten liegen zu sehen. Insbesondere die sehr großen Frauen wirken in dieser Pose besonders attraktiv. Man sieht auch das sie immer wieder mit besonders eleganten Griffen experimentiert. Wenn bei ihr auch noch eine perfekte Technik hinzu kommt wird sie uns noch sehr viel Freude machen. Der Kampf selbst ist abwechslungsreich und wird von beiden Seiten ernsthaft geführt. Ich habe mich hier keine Sekunde gelangweilt. Schaut euch Kornelia einmal hier an, es lohnt sich wirklich.

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