Lenora vs. Sabrina Preview video is available only for logged members.

Lenora | 28

Height: 5'7" (169 cm)
Weight: 130 lbs (59 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Lenora's Videos
Lenora cz CZ

Sabrina | 34

Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Trib, Topless, Mixed

Sabrina's Videos
Sabrina cz CZ

Rating: 4,2/5 (9 votes)

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Duration: 30:14
Size: 2,18 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 30:14
Size: 1,76 GB

12 EUR

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Lenora vs. Sabrina Movies

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Lenora vs. Sabrina
Lenora vs. Sabrina
Lenora vs. Sabrina
Lenora vs. Sabrina
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Lenora vs. Sabrina Comments | 3

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2020-07-13 16:32:06
Lenora and Sabrina: Two of the most beautiful faces at FD are facing each other, this time in the most known garden of the female combat world. They are not only beautiful, hot and sexy. They are cocky, insidious and merciless when fighting. The summer is getting more and more hot day after day, but the water may be still a bit cold. That may be thr reason why one girl gets so mad when a bucket of water is thrown at her by the other one. The fight starts very good but soon turns hellacious, ****** after the first point. These girls will not let get your eyes off the screen for a single second during the whole fight long. Hair pulling, slaps everywhere, screams and groans in pain, trash talking, face sitting, scissors. Includes unusual long (5 + minutes) of behind the scene footage, with winner interview, shower scene, pre and post match scenes and more. All in one single video!

2020-06-15 20:34:58
Ein harter unter brutaler Kampf zwischen zwei hübschen und muskulösen Kämpferinnen. Beim letzten Kampf der beiden gab es einen klaren Sieg für eine von ihnen. Dieser Kampf soll also die Revance werden, aber gelingt der Verliererin vom letzten mal diesmal der Sieg? Beide schenken sich nichts und nehmen sich gegenseitig knallhart in die Beinschere. Bei diesen muskulösen Beinen dürfte das für beide Mädchen sehr schmerzhaft gewesen sein.

2020-06-15 10:14:20
Wow. Very good catfight between experienced girls here.
Nice to see in the behind the scenes footage that they can get along also :)
!00% from both girls and a well deserved winner.
Whether your a Lenora fan or a Sabrina fan each girl has her moments in this catfight and the submissions are not easily won.