Linda vs. Tanima Preview video is available only for logged members.

Linda | 38

Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 117 lbs (53 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Nude

Linda's Videos
Linda cz CZ

Tanima | 28

Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Mixed

Tanima's Videos
Tanima lb LB

Rating: 4/5 (2 votes)

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Duration: 20:29
Size: 1,34 GB

22 EUR

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Duration: 20:29
Size: 0,94 GB

17 EUR

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Linda vs. Tanima
Linda vs. Tanima
Linda vs. Tanima
Linda vs. Tanima
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Linda vs. Tanima Comments | 3

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2014-09-19 17:52:28
At time of writing I am relatively new to the fighting-dolls site, and this was one of the first contests I viewed! Absolutely loved this match! Linda - a newcomer - is a stunner! However, I'm a fan of the underdog and Tanima is brilliant! However, she is currently only eighteen and though she is easy prey not just Linda but the other girls, you have to give her massive credit for her high endurance! Clearly even well applied headscissors aren't going to make her submit easily!

Tanima may lack strength and stature, but she does have speed an abundance of energy. She also appears to have some killer thighs, and something tells me a headscissor here and there might be her best bet of victory in future matches (at least until she gets more experienced). I just hope that her loses don't discourage her because there are plenty of opponents out there who need to experience the power of her thighs (I wonder how Linda would have faired if it had been her in the multiple headscissors seen in this match!).

2014-09-14 03:39:40
Linda is totally cute, that's for sure. First fights are often a lot of fun to watch and so is this one. Pretty one-sided though. Tanima needs to step it up or possibly be trained in some holds the first timers don't know. She makes an excellent foil against the newcomers and, frankly, it's a turn-on to watch the new ones **** her, but would be even better if the matches were closer.

Linda vs. Katharina seems like a natural matchup. Linda is not ready for the more experienced.

Lots of school girl pins and dominant ones. I did want to see some submissions by body and head scissors or grapevines or some variety. There is an excellent head scissors applied at the end but seems the winner wanted to end the match with the pin.

Glad I checked this one out.

2014-09-12 16:58:11
Wow, wieder ein Anfänger Match das richtig Spaß macht. Zu sehen gibt es einen schönen SGP nach dem Anderen und Linda lässt Die richtig heiß aussehen, mit schöner aufrechter Körperhaltung. Im Gegenzug lassen die SGPs sie selbst richtig heiß aussehen und darauf kommt es doch in Wirklichkeit an, oder was meint ihr? Das Bemerkenswerte an Linda ist zudem die offen zur Schau getragene Lust die sie im Kampf mit Tanima zeigt. Wenn sie ihre Gegnerin im Griff hat sieht man manchmal bei ihr auch diesen gewissen Blick, den man sonst nur von Monique und Kim Ly kennt. Da ist es ein Jammer das ihr die Haare leider ständig über‘s Gesicht hängen.

Zusammen mit der quirligen Tanima liefern sich die beiden einen kurzweiligen, sehr schnellen und grundehrlichen Mädels Fight mit einer klaren Siegerin. Linda zeigt zudem bereits in ihrem ersten Kampf Experimentierfreude und präsentiert uns einen recht ungewöhnlichen Pin den man gesehen haben muss.

Den Beiden sympathischen Frauen würde ich sofort wieder ein Video abkaufen.

Schaut euch das Video an, ihr werdet es genießen und die Beiden Frauen haben sich eure Aufmerksamkeit wirklich verdient.

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