Luisa vs. Talia Preview video is available only for logged members.

Luisa | 25

Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 134 lbs (61 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Topless, Mixed

Luisa's Videos
Luisa cz CZ

Talia | 25

Height: 5'9" (178 cm)
Weight: 143 lbs (65 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Mixed, Topless, Trib, Erotic

Talia's Videos
Talia cz CZ

Rating: 4,8/5 (13 votes)

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Submission only. One sided match.

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Duration: 19:17
Size: 2,19 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 19:17
Size: 0,85 GB

12 EUR

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Luisa vs. Talia
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Luisa vs. Talia Comments | 5

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2023-08-24 04:42:59
Excellent fight even it was one sided,Luisa fought with pride and determination!I strongly support a Talia vs Malia apartment fight like Catfightfan suggested!

2023-07-29 04:48:56
Good action and always a pleasure to watch Talia. It would be nice if we did not have to hear the constant sound of the camera's shutter clicking. Why not introduce music if sounds are necessary !!

2023-07-27 19:35:46
This is a one sided match. The final score totally aligns to the whole fight itself. One girl is totally devastated or “Massacred” as herself admitted. The loser also had some glorious moments, and managed to put the winner in trouble at times, especially after the second half of the video, but a better technique always imposed over stamina, passion and desperation. What started as a regular professional wrestling match, took only 5 minutes to turn into a all-out hair pulling catfight. A “courtesy” scratch by Talia on Luisa’s chest along to the promise from Luisa to add Talia’s body a new tattoo at about 7:00 make them more and more aggressive.. A bloody injury cut close to Luisa’s eye didn’t stopped the fight and by the end, both girls already have become totally crazy and furious, fighting everywhere, floor, rugs, furniture. Great action recommended not only for one sided matches lovers , but for any fan of female fights.

PS: A Talia vs Malia apartment slapping catfight I think would also be a great one. Talia’s strength and technique vs Malia’s pain tolerance and never-give-up attitude deserve to be confronted in the most famous living room of the female fight world, using the best FD catfight tactics. Fingers crossed!

2023-07-27 12:47:25
Good previous comments from Siggi. Luisa came for a fight and she got one. Vera is there watching and gives encouragement to Luisa as she goes up against the taller and heavier Talia. Luisa gets roughed up and shows several scratch marks on her chest. Talia has strong legs and can apply match ending scissors at any time. Luisa is a good fighter also and did not back down. She is strong and her stamina is improving.

2023-07-27 12:02:58
Talia präsentiert sich zu Beginn ziemlich sportlich, das gilt auch für ihr Outfit. Ihre Posen mit denen sie sich präsentiert erinnern tatsächlich etwas an die legendäre Kim Ly. Das Gleiche gilt auch für ihren Umgang mit Luisa. Während Kim Ly mit leichten Gegnerinnen immer relativ pfleglich umgegangen ist war sie bei echten Konkurrentinnen immer besonders hart und führte den Kampf besonders demütigend für ihre Gegnerin. Ein Facesit Pin war bei ihr nie ein Geschenk an die Fans sondern eine Lektion für ihre Konkurrentin. Ähnlich verhält sich Talia in diesem Kampf, sie merkt wohl sehr schnell das sie es bei Luisa mit einer echten Herausforderung zu tun hat und entsprechend hart führt sie diesen Kampf und versucht so den Kampfgeist ihrer Gegnerin zu brechen.
Gegen Kopfscheren die aus einem SGP heraus angesetzt werden hat Talia noch keine richtige Antwort gefunden, agiert ihre Gegnerin mit dieser Strategie kommt Talia regelmäßig in Schwierigkeiten.
Luisa hat mir hier ebenfalls sehr gut gefallen, sie ist eine gute Kämpferin.

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