Mara vs. Nila Preview video is available only for logged members.

Mara | 20

Height: 5'7" (170 cm)
Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
Wrestling, Mixed

Mara's Videos
Mara cz CZ

Nila | 23

Height: 5'9" (176 cm)
Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
Catfight, Wrestling, Nude, Topless, Trib, Erotic, Mixed

Nila's Videos
Nila cz CZ

Rating: 4,7/5 (13 votes)

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Movie Description

Pins and submission. One sided match.

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Duration: 22:03
Size: 2,51 GB

17 EUR

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Duration: 22:03
Size: 0,97 GB

12 EUR

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Mara vs. Nila
Mara vs. Nila
Mara vs. Nila
Mara vs. Nila
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Mara vs. Nila Comments | 7

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2024-12-24 09:43:58
Nila is brave but seems very nervous knewing she will roll with a boy almost naked and has mixed emotions fearing she will get ********** by this jobber. The boy is confident but as soon as they jump at one another, the taller and heavier girl gets the upper hand - she is feminine and beautiful, but very aggresive and somehow the boy cannot defend, he is ********** and pinned, in a chaotic catfight. It is not clear if Mara lets her dominate or really fights but succumbs to her in fair wrestling, but it is very humiliating for the young man not to lose in that manner to a feminine, sweet girl.

2024-11-20 22:01:41
Mara ist in meinen Augen kein wirklich guter Kämpfer, er ist zwar ziemlich provokant Nila gegenüber, lässt seinen Sprüchen aber keine Taten folgen. Er kniet Nila gegenüber wird umgeworfen und von ihr, praktisch ohne Gegenwehr gepinnt, oder in einen Griff befördert, aus dem er sich dann zu befreien versucht, meistens ohne Erfolg. Man könnte meinen er legt es darauf an, von Nila gepinnt zu werden und unter ihr zu liegen. Sie geniesst es natürlich den besiegten Mara zu demütigen. Er sollte viel mehr Gegenwehr leisten, da ist ja Paskal aktiver, auch wenn er in nicht wirklich guter sportlicher Verfassung ist. Nila gegen Paskal oder Hans wäre interessante Matches

2024-11-08 15:39:36
Absolutely amazing match! This was my first video with Nila and she is already one of my favourite girls. She has such a gracefule body and is in great shape as well. I particularly love her dominant and self-confident attitude: She is not only totally physically dominating Mara here but also psychologically dominating him. Lots of arrogant verbal domination here against her totally frustrated opponent, just love it! Hopefully she will soon have an opportunity to have a match with Paskal. I am sure that would be a very humiliating match :)

2024-11-07 22:22:45
The trash-talk in this match is on another level. I can't imagine what humiliation Nila would put Paskal through...

2024-11-07 01:22:47
Wow Nila is very strong and in great shape. She's a great mixed girl. Nila against Hans would be a very good match.

2024-11-05 19:13:47
Me alegro que se vayan añadiendo más chicas al "mixed". Nila, está ilusionada y ansiosa con pelear con un hombre. Y, bueno, para empezar un sparring como Mara. El siguiente Paskal, supongo. Aunque, creo que Mara tiene algo más de talento que Paskal. Lo bueno es que Nila le coja Placer en derrotar y humillar a los hombres. Y, que les haga ver a las demás chicas que puede ser muy divertido darle una paliza a un macho y se animen al "mixed"

2024-11-05 16:49:58
Bravo Nila, keep doing mixed matches..

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