Friday-team picture: standing – behind – from left: Michaela + Isabel +
Crystl + Kim-Ly + Donna + Anni + Miranda + Denny + Susie,
on knees – from left : Romi + Sharon + Mel + Justina
Saturday-team picture: standing – behind – from left: Zamira + Donna +
Salma + Luna + Isabel + Kim-Ly + Miranda + Edita,
on knees – from left: Sharon + Emma + Peggy + Denny + Emanuela
Report Fighting-dolls Spring-live-event in Brno – part I
Fighting-dolls organized the spring-live-event in Brno in the fighting-dolls-studio – first time in may.
There were altogether 20 live-matches over the weekend.
The international audience from 9 different countries enjoyed the event-weekend with female-wrestling-fans from : USA + great-britain + germany + italy + spain + ireland + sweden + switzerland + austria
event-opening from Kim-Ly
- Kim-Ly vs Vladka
- Chiara vs Susie
- Crystl vs Sharon – schoolgirl-outfit + schoolgirl-fight – wrestling
- Isabel vs Zamira – catfight – started in dress
Team-Photo with 13 FD-girls in bikinis
- Donna vs Miranda – in Jeans-Shorts
- Anni vs Justina
- Denny vs Mel
- Romi vs Michaela – newcomer-match
- Andy vs Emanuella
- Zamira vs Duke – Mixed
- Andy vs Edita – in Jeans-Shorts
- Miranda vs Salma – slapping-catfight
- Denny vs Emma
Team-Photo with 13 girls in bikinis
- Donna vs Zamira
- Luna vs Peggy
- Emanuella vs Isabel
- Luna vs Salma
- Vladka vs Martin – Mixed
- Emma vs Sharon – catfight
- Carmen vs Isabel
25 girls in the live-event-program:
Kim-Ly + Andy + Luna + Emanuella + Edita + Vladka + Mel + Miranda + Anni + Denny
+ Donna + Zamira + Carmen + Chiara + Salma + Peggy + Crystl + Susie + Emma +
Sharon + Justina + Isabel + Tanima + Michaela + Romi = 25 girls
newcomer: Isabel + Michaela + Romi + Tanima
available for private mixed-sessions: Petra + Cathy + Stella + Vanessa + Maggy +
Pamela + another-newcomer = 32 FD-girls altogether
most live-matches at the spring-event : Isabel + Zamira
NEW girls : Isabel + Michaela + Romi + Tanima
comeback-girls : Miranda + Mel + Luna + Denny + Carmen
Report Fighting-dolls Spring-live-event in Brno – part II
Luna was the BEST COMEBACK of the FD-spring-event !
It was great to see that Luna is back and that Luna is in really good shape. Luna was in such good mood all event-days – in the private mixed-sessions and as well at the event-dinner – on and outside the mat. In her live-matches vs Peggy and vs Salma it was fantastic to see that Luna attacked her opponents from the first round, Luna wrestled offensive as never before.
Luna´s mixed-guys from her private mixed-sessions were also full of praise after their mixed-sessions. And it is a very hard job for every girl and guy to escape from Luna´s fullbodpress-pins. it is a totally hard challenge for everybody, when Luna is on top! Luna is back in the fighting-dolls-Top-5-ranking after her great performances at the FD-spring-event. For many event-guests and fans Luna was one of the sunshines of the spring-event!
Report Fighting-dolls Spring-live-event in Brno – part III
Isabel was the BEST NEWCOMER of the FD-spring-event!
For half-spain newcomer Isabel it was the first live-event – and Isabel jumped into the hearts from many of the event-guests. Isabel did very strong and totally ambitious performances in her 3 live-matches vs Emanuella + Zamira + Carmen. After only 5 month wrestling Isabel is already able to beat many of the more experienced FD-wrestlers.
Isabel is very strong – and already a real challenge for most of the other FD-girls – and also for men in the private mixed-sessions. It is only a matter-of-time, when Isabel will jump in the fighting-dolls-Top-10-ranking. Nobody should underestimate powerful fighter Isabel any longer. Outside the mat Isabel was very communicative and open minded in talking with other event-guests – at event-dinner-party and also in FD-studio. Isabel is speaking english and spain. Isabel found some new fans during the event-weekend and Isabel was the Nr.1 for some event-guests and her opponents in the private mixed-sessions were enthusiastic after their mixed-sessions with Isabel.
Report Fighting-dolls Spring-live-event in Brno – part IV
The Event-dinner-party
The fighting-dolls-event-dinner on saturday-evening was again a highlight for many of the event-guests. First was tasteful dinner – of course also with some drinks. girls and event-guests were sitting side by side – and there were interesting conversations with the wrestlers. One of the event-guests said that he was in heaven, because he was sitting between Donna and Peggy – and on the other side of the tabe were sitting Isabel and Susie and Sharon. Other event-guests on another part of the tables were sitting next to Kim-Ly and Luna and Edita and Zamira – another event-guest was talking the whole evening with blonde Miranda – etc. It was also a pleasure that popular and strong Eva came to event-dinner and enjoyed the saturday-evening together with the event-guests. Eva speak perfect german and also english, so it was wonderful to talk with pretty and charming Eva over the evening.
Later on the evening hot wildcat Zamira want to challenge guys for arm-wrestling – and then we had many exciting and also very funny arm-wrestling-contests between FD-girls vs event-guests. Especially strong in arm-wrestling this evening were super-muscular Carmen + Kim-Ly + Vladka + Edita + Eva – but also Isabel + Zamira. It was also funny to see the great ambition from the girls at arm-wrestling – and it was real fun for all participants. After the official end in the night – some of the event-guests and some of the girls went together to a bar and night club in Brno-centrum.
Saturday-event-dinner-party participated 19 FD-girls: Kim-Ly + Luna + Zamira + Vladka + Edita + Donna + Eva + Miranda + Isabel + Susie + Anni + Sharon + Peggy + Salma + Romi + Mel + Michaela + Carmen + her newcomer-friend.